Explorer PTO Volunteer Reimbursement Form 2024-2025

EMS PTO Expense Reimbursement Policy

All expenses related to approved budget items and incurred on behalf of the EMS PTO with the knowledge of a EMS PTO Executive Board member will be reimbursed by the PTO Treasurer.    To be reimbursed, fill out an EMS PTO Check Request Form below.  Please allow two weeks for reimbursement.

Receipts showing the appropriate expenses must be emailed to freibes2@gmail.com or uploaded to the reimbursement document in order to further process your request

You can get reimbursement through check in the mail or dropped off at school 

All receipts and forms must be submitted by May 30, 2025

Form Type

delivery method

Please provide the phone number of of the Zelle account you would like the reimbursement sent to